Monday 30 January 2012


... I can achieve a little more!

The housework got done, top and bottom, tidying and the dining room table almost surfaced again, almost!  And there was baking, and an quick hour of stitching ...

Oh Cherry Baby!

I finished piecing the centre square, and moved onto a quick layout of a couple of star points ...

he he, this one really makes me happy! 

and then I had to stop, make dinner and bung it in the oven, and head out to the quilting group for the afternoon...

but back to the baking....  Thanks to Susan's recipe ...

now known as Pulverised Lemon Drizzle cake!

Delicious Susan, thanks for sharing, it didn't last long! 

And tomorrow I have more!

Happy Quilting!


Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Oh I knew I would love the Made in Echo!

Sarah said...

Made in Echo is Gorgeous....

Katy Cameron said...

Yumminess all round with Echo AND cake (sorry, it's the fact that I'm on a diet that got me a bit distracted by the cake too lol)

Rhonda the Rambler said...

That cake is on my list of things to bake. I am loving your quilt.

Judith, Belfast said...

I've bought my lemons! Cherry's looking gooooood! Jxo

QuiltSue said...

I have always said that if I have all day to make the bed, then it'll take me all day. Maybe the same applies to you - the more you have to do, the more "extra" things you get done too?

That cake looks wonderful.

Canadian Abroad said...

The Echo is looking fabulous in that pattern, and so pleased the cake was a success!

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

The cake and Echo star both look wonderful!!

Nicky said...

Still trying to decide what to do with my echo! Looking forward to seeing your glorious Made in Echo!