Wednesday 26 May 2010

Race for Life

I was priviledged to take part in the Race for Life raising money for Cancer Research on Sunday.  The Teenage Diva also took part.  5 Kilometers later (just over 3 miles) we had a photo taken ...

It was 28 degrees C and walking around the airfield of the RAF base close to us, which meant that it was even hotter!  Neeless to say I'm pretty crispy now!  And also proud of the personal achievement, this is the fartherst I've been since my surgery last year, and I admit I had my doubts. 

Thanks go everyone that sponsored me, especially to Lis and Joanne that took the time to go on line to do the sponsorship. 

Congratulation also to all the other 3499 ladies who took part, especially to my colleagues Donna and Amanda who complete 10 Km in the scorthcing heat.  And Debbie who was accompanied by Sophie (age 5)!

Tuesday 25 May 2010

Bloggers Spring Quilt Festival

Oh, it was so difficult deciding which quilt to feature for the Bloggers Spring Quilt Festival.  Did you know this is the thrid Festival Amy has hosted?  Isn't she wonderful!

Well, back to the quilt - stacked coins I made last year.  This still remians my favourite and surprisingly it is the Teenage Diva's fave too!

I had just a single charm pack 'Dandelion Girl' and a whole load of white on white.  I had a count up to see how far the charm pack would go and just went for it!  I was fortunate that I had a piece of yardage to use for the binding from the same range which tied it all together. 

Why to I love this quilt?  It's simplicity ... 

... the fact that it took this all over meandering feather quilting beautifully.  Just so you know the thread is from Superior Threads Rainbows range and is called 'SeaShell', I love how subtle it is....

... and I love that I had exactly the right amount of this fabric for the back!  Sometimes things are just meant to be. 

Dont' forget to head over to Amy's blog and check out the rest of the quilts in the Festival, it's a wonderful array with some amaizing stories too!  Enjoy!

May Giveaway!

Jenny of ElefAntz is have a great giveaway, you need to get over there and tell her I sent you.  It really will be worth it!  And it's a great reason to celebrate, in fact I've just had my own 'lightbulb' moment!  Watch this space for more!

Monday 17 May 2010 Giveaway!

OK, are you paying attention?  My friend Charlie has a BIG day today, not only has he got a whole new website,  but he has another new pattern published on Moda Bakeshop, he has 3 new patterns ready to buy, AND,  yes......and, he is having a giveaway!  Quick, head over to his all new web/blog site, tell him I sent you and see if you can win some goodies!  Go on, the more the merrier!   I don't mind in the least. 

Congratulations Charlie, here's to your success!

It's that time again!

Yep, Amy  is hosting the blogger's quilt festival again.  Go check her blog page at Amy's Creative Side and sign up to take part.  Dont' forget to come back to see what quilt I'll have to show you.  You may need to free up some time, this is really popular, so check your cupboards for coffee/tea whatever it is you like to sip 'n surf with and mark you diary for 21 May! 

Sunday 16 May 2010

Postcard from Lincoln!

OK, I've been here lurking, but the laptop is still out of action for a little longer, a new motherboard, and speakers have been installed, but a little more remedial work is still required. 

But I HAVE been busy!  This little pile is I've been using to try something out for Qubee!  Go check out his blog tomorrow to see what wonderful surprises he has in store!

I was very lucky to win a postcard of my choice from The Quilt Rat, and I can't tell you how beautiful it is,  Thank you Jill  :)  If you haven't seen Jill's work, I really recommend you go take a peak, she is amazing!

Speaking of postcards, in March I was supposed to make something woven for Expedition Quilt Art, whilst I was tidying up bits and pieces for my city and guilds work, I grabbed the left over strips and set to on a woven postcard.  Not thrilling, but it's done!

I also have one in the mail to a friend.  I can't show you that one, sorry.  I was away last weekend at a quilting retreat, whilst I didn't get as much done as I had hoped, more of that in a mo, I did scrounge a few bits and pieces to get a quick postcard made for Eileen who fell ill and had the prospect of her 77th birthday in hospital.

So back to the retreat, I got bindings sewn on 2 quilts, this one ...

And my version of Amanda Jeans' Film Strip.  Sorry no pic till it's finally done!

And because this is a postcard from Lincoln, I've been out and about, with an early morning (very early!) dash to the Fens for a shopping trip.  I captured this view on my way out of the city.

And last week, my partner and I were out celebrating his birthday, and whilst we were on our way home, I got this shot.  I just love the vibrancy of the rape fields at this time of year.

I've been looking for a great landscape shot to use in one of the assignments for c&g and I think this is it!

I'll be back soon enough to show you what postcards we get from these...

This is mine ...

And this one is the Teenage Diva's!  Based on a project they are working on at school.    Have you been over to Expedition Quilt Art Blog, Tina is doing a 'Follow me' project that will result in lots of postcards, go on, go give it a try! 

Happy Quilting!