Monday 26 May 2014

The reject

I started this EPP 6" block last week,
its for a specific thing,

but I cant tell you what

Anyway, it took way too long, and the thought of piecing four of these,
well lets just say, I finished this one off yesterday at the EMMQG meeting!
Onto plan B!

so now its done, it needs to be made into something, but what?

Any suggestions?

Friday 23 May 2014

Just like buses!

Just like buses, there are none for ages and then 2 come along together!

So another thing on my list was this little top made at least 8 years ago (maybe)

It's time for languishing in the pile no more had come, oooh at least a month ago!

I chose the threads, quilted it up, I even had the binding made already! (i made it at the same time as I made the top! I knew I had it, and it was exactly where I thought it would be! this speaks volumes about the organised chaos that is my studio!)

I sewed that binding to the quilt, and then it sat, for the last month! I've been so sick of seeing it on the side waiting for the binding to be sewn down, the elves seem to have left this house altogether! I took matters into my own hands and glue basted it down! Yes, glue! I then top stitched from the front, and that binding was done!

Despite the batik, it's actually quite pretty really! Though it may not stay in this house for long.  (i'm considering selling ... so if you're interested, let me know!)

So there you have it, another quilt off my over ambitious 2nd quarter Finish Along list. And one less UFO in the box of many!

Thursday 22 May 2014

Finally a finish - or two!

So on Sunday I managed to quilt 4 quilts, yes 4!

2 of which are on my Finish Along list! And luckily for me all I needed to do was quilt them!

The beauty of the extra wide backing is you can load the next quilt on straight after the first!

And now these two quilted Brit Bee quilts have made it all the way down South to Hadley for the binding to be done!  They are on her FAL list too, so you can bet your bottom dollar they will be done in no time!

So that's another finish off my list!

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Pea Rom BOM May

Oh this year is whizzing past don't you think!

so for this month I have a further 2 blocks for you

first up is the Variable Star

make sure you follow the instructions carefully, particularly on the clever piecing of the quarters square triangles

Next for May is the Squares and Stars block

both similar, again, careful construction of those quarter square triangles is necessary, ask me how I know!

Perhaps you could bring your blocks you have made so far along to the next meeting so we can all see what everyone has achieved.  

Happy stitching!

Friday 2 May 2014

And Exhale!

Phew!  I am so pleased my copy of Love Patchwork and Quilting finally arrived, 
it was killing me seeing everyone get theirs, knowing some of my quilting was in this issue

another of Katy's masterpieces!

so in order to mull it over for a while, whilst I did other quilts, 
I hung it in my studio where we could eye each other up, and get acquainted

Especially when the brief is a quick all over!

You see, sometimes quilts just don't want to be given the simple all over treatment,
they call out for something else, something more!

this was the first sneak peak I sent to Katy to let her know I'd gone a bit off piste again!

and then I just went for it!

I do like to take a little inspiration from the designs in the fabrics, 
and this was no exception

Fabrics used in this quilt were Safari Moon by Frances Newcombe for Art Gallery Fabrics
I loved them so much I had to go out and buy myself some straight away!
In fact, I've told Katy millions of times, I love this quilt!

so now the dilemma, do I make my own version of this quilt?

Thursday 1 May 2014

Pea Room Quilters BOM - April

So for the benefit of the Pea Room Quilters, 
(and anyone else that wants to play along too of course!) 

April Blocks
(yes I know its May!)

Our first block is Dorothy's Star

(click on the underlined words to take you to the instructions)

and our second is the Autograph Star

(yes, I had a few problems with this one, I must read the cutting instructions more closely, even if I am a little stretched for time!) 

I'll be remaking this one, and this reject can be my label for the back of my quilt!
problem solved!