Monday 27 January 2014

My first Finish!

Yes, really!  my first finish of 2014, 
and actually, one I can tick off my FAL list too!

oh and if you are batik or fugly sensitive, 
you best look away now!

see I dug this fugly out of my stash for the back

I made this quilt way back in 2009 in a facebook QAL with Pat Sloan,
it was all about stash busting!

and now its been busted out of my UFO pile and done!

that's me off to a good start, don't ya think?


Leanne said...

It's wonderful! I think if you replaced the strip sets and blues with modern fabrics, it would be a well loved pattern. It is so interesting how the choice of fabrics changes how we see things. I sure love your quilting, you must be loving the new machine.

Judith, Belfast said...

Oh I bet that feels good! Job well done! Jxo

Di said...

Well done you. I know we are not meant to like batiks but having seen this quilt top in real life it is actually really pretty. Di x

Katy Cameron said...

Yay finishes!

Jo @ life in lists said...

Well done for finishing! I struggle so much more to get on and finish older projects, as my aesthetic has changed and I don't find them as satisfying, so you get extra kudos for ticking this one off.

Sheila said...

I think one of the problems with batiks is the difficulty of using them with non batiks.Keeping them on their own can produce beautiful quilts as your quilt proves. Well done on the finish, and it's not even the end of January yet.

QuiltSue said...

It didn't take long to get that one done did it? Bet you were doing a happy dance to have finished it.

Canadian Abroad said...

Batiks are not my thing but it is beautifully pieced.

Cindy said...

A finish is a finish, so celebrate it! I'm happy for you, T! It feels great, doesn't it?

Terri said...

Batiks are not my thing either yet I look at said fabric at the quilt shows (just been to Ardingly) & rather admire them … (except The Brown. Still can't admire The Brown) so mebe one day :-)
I reckon your UFO pile is going to become a thing of the past now you've got your fabalush longarm Trudi ;-)

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

I think you're slowly converting people to quilter at a time ;o)