Sunday, 5 February 2012

Sunday Sitrep

It's been a busy week, with extra hours, my time to sew and do all the home making stuff has been depleted considerable, and I've been tired ...  very tired!

But there has been a steady stream of mail ...

I can now think more seriously about my pouch for my swap partner for the Mouthy Pouch Swap

and Miss February of the Brit Bee sent a stinker ...

serious effort required for this one!  Self portraits!  Gulp!

and maybe just a little fabric passed through my hands  :) 

Yesterday I spent in the studio putting my Made in Cherry quilt together, making great progress, having starched all my background fabric, I set too with the cutting ... and there things ground to a distinct HALT!  I got my corner squares cut - check. But when it came to cutting the larger square to make the flying geese element, I discovered the beautiful teal fabric is NOT wide enough!  Barely 42"

So I now await further mail, thanks to the wonderful Alice of Backstitch ... I hope the following doesn't slow the postman down!

The view this morning, pretty, but I'd rather not thanks!  So I trudged a pathway there and back, and turned the heating up, and started something new! 

This lovely pile was very quickly turned into this ...

and now it looks a lot like this ...

a colleague at work delivered a beautiful baby boy on Wednesday, I'm hoping this will add to her bundle of joy :) 

So, the ironing is all done ready for another busy week, the house is relatively tidy, and I have plenty to focus on tomorrow before it's back to the grindstone on Tuesday! 

Hope you've had an equally good week!

Happy Quilting!


Inspiredbyfelix said...

Yeay for zipit, yikes for self portraits, and yoohoo for speedy quilt making!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Like what she said above, and what a shame about the Cherry background!!

Canadian Abroad said...

You managed to cross that pristine snow to get to your studio and not throw yourself backwards and make at least one snow angel?!

9patchnurse said...

I just love your studio. Even though I have a decent space inside my house, there's just something so cool about your special building.

Sheila said...

Can't wait to see the self portraits.....

Judith, Belfast said...

LOL! Love Ceri's comment! Take care in that demon white stuff. Love the baby quilt. Jxo

Lis Harwood said...

That quilt is so subtle and goes beautifully with the snow!

Katy Cameron said...

Enjoy your day off playing with all your new toys!

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Love your baby quilt! Hope your background fabric arrives soon...

Trudi said...

Yep! it's still pristine!

Sarah said...

I'd so love to have your energy, even just for a day or two... Oooh the quilts I could get done!! Meantime you should come visit.... lol