Saturday, 11 June 2011

Unseasonal June

It's that time of month again to join Sue over at Quilt Times for the Christmas Quilt Along!

I'm almost ready, all the washing is done, and on the line, and hopefully will be dry before the rain showers start, another batch of Strawberry jam is cooling on the side, and like Sue, I may or may not waft a little dust around before I head on down to the bottom of the garden for some sewing action! 

The Teenage Diva is still in sleep mode, so I may get something done before the she wakes  :)

The plan?  Oh yeah, I need one of them!  Pincushions!

Don't forget to go check out the Linky to see what everyone else is doing, and come back later to see how I'm doing!

Happy Quilting!


Manda said...

Looks like fun! Hope you have a productive festive day! :)

Hazel said...

Morning, Trudi! You're ahead of me on chores - but it's a lovely drying day for when I get the washing hung out.

I look forward to seeing your pincushion progress today!

Quilthaze said...

Hope you're having fun. Can't wait to see the pincushion!

Qubie said...

I would join you on the sew along, but I work every Saturday. Now if it was on a Sunday then maybe I could join the fun.

Lynn said...

Sounds like you are having a lovely day. Strawberry jam, my favorite!