Tuesday 10 September 2013


If you know me well, you know I'm not known for my housekeeping,
lets face it, I'd rather sew!

But the situation was getting a little out of control ...

don't you think?

but I managed to achieve a happy medium

but there was the other side of the studio too!

and I had a little motivation, with a visitor expected ...

so a reasonable level was achieved with the frame being accessible and usable ...

and then this happened!

I sold my second frame, and its gone to live in the Valleys
so it was time for a little more housekeeping, and a bit of a change round

that's better, lots of working space, and a few more UFO's unearthed - Ooops!
but I ended up with an awkward pile of pin cushions and pouches from swaps and gifts that needed to be prettied in one place

I say sort of, I got the gist of it, and then did my own thing 
and made it my own size ...

it turned out exactly how I envisioned ... phew!

and was well worth the half hour to make :) 

so now, I have a full on mojo attack!


Mrs Flying Blind... said...

OK, so now I need one of those baskets about 6 foot deep so I can sort out the conservatory!

Sarah said...

I spent tonight doing a similar job in my much smaller sewing space. I cannot begin to imagine what a mess I could make if I had all that space you have. Good work re-organising and finding your mojo under those piles of stuff!

Katy Cameron said...

Erm, your before looks considerably better than mine, in fact, I was peering slightly to see the problem *ahem* Time to clean round here methinks...

Second Chance Tan said...

It all looks very lovely and organised now (is there a secret heap under the bed?? - that's usually my method of cleaning up!)

Nicky said...

I would be feeling bad but I've already tidied most of mine up! Ok a remnant left from the days when it was a playroom and quite a pile of ironing but not bad for me...

Go forth and mojo, create, quilt! It looks great!

Maddy said...

Always great to have a Spring clean ... makes one feel alive...ready for more creative thoughts.

Donna said...

Thanks for the link to the tutorial. These buckets are perfect for some organizing I need to get done.

Judith, Belfast said...

Wow! That was a years worth of reorganising and tidying in one day! Are you getting a new frame?

Catrin Lewis said...

I wish that you hadn't tidied up before we came - it would have been good for Endaf to see how real quilters create!

I actually had a bit of a clean up tonight and finally put my foq haul away!

Catrin Lewis said...

I wish that you hadn't tidied up before we came - it would have been good for Endaf to see how real quilters create!

I actually had a bit of a clean up tonight and finally put my foq haul away!

Isisjem said...

Love your mini make over. I could actually turn my dining room into a proper sewing room if I could get motivated enough to clear it out!

Sheila said...

Always good to see someone else's mess, makes us all feel normal.

QuiltSue said...

Well you have been busy. Care to come and tidy me and my cupboards (and floors) now?

pennydog said...

Looking fab- I wish I had all that space to mess up!

pennydog said...

Looking fab- I wish I had all that space to mess up!

Canadian Abroad said...

One day you are going to come into that studio to find me moved in. Just saying.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Noting like guests to kick up the motivation level! Looking good, so much more space to play now!!

Leanne said...

What a wonderful studio. I am trying to figure out how you use the frame, you must stand on the side where the light on the machine is, right? How much space does the frame take up?