Tuesday 16 October 2012

Lots of Lovelies ...

first up some beautiful hand prints from the absolutely amazing

Really I couldn't resist!

and then a pile of  fabulous Japanese Charms that have travelled all the way from Sarah in the Shetlands ...

actually I think Ellie had an awful lot to do with this too!

oh, if only I could find more time to sort, organise and discover these beauties

Thank you Sarah for organising a great little swap, and to everyone who took part choosing such fabulous fabrics  ... sign

and then there was a wee surprise ...

from Hadley, a thank you for snapping her Sissix Quilt back in the summer at Festival ...

and of course it's a twin too!

I often get to reading blogs way too late and miss out on some of the really good stuff ...

but this time, I managed to snaffle up the last of these ....

Thank you Aneela, I absolutely love it!

and last, but by no means least, a  very BIG thank you to Judith, who, it has to be said, 

yes, the most gorgeous Irish Linens this side of Lincolnshire now!

perhaps next time there may be evidence of actual sewing!


Leanne said...

Wow, you did very well!

Sarah said...

You're getting other people to shop for you too now?!!! Thats dedication...

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

My pleasure and so so so happy you have a copy of Aneela's book and the notebook too xxx

Di said...

Wow! Lots of lovelies and they are all so different. Di x

Canadian Abroad said...

You are going to need another shed!

Isisjem said...

Wow what fabulous goodies!

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Have fun with all that gorgeous fabric!!
P.S. Love the notebook!

Lucy | Charm About You said...

all utterly gorgeous!!