So yesterday I was beavering away in the studio, and I hear this noise ...
did someone just whistle ?
I turn around and there at the garden gate is the post man!
Now, I've been expecting a couple of things and the size of the package he had in his hand looked to be just the right size for a couple of new low voltage bulb that are for the studio ...
oh goodie, I get some more light, just when I need it now the clocks have gone back!
only when I got up close and signed for my package, all those stamps,
and the big give away return address of Germany ...
this particular postman always comes to the gate, he wants rid of his packages, and figures, quite correctly, that the car is in the drive, therefore I am home!
He's normally not wrong!
I was straight indoors and ripped that package right open ...
then I remembered my camera!
oh Wow! Really, this one is all mine!
oh my, Aylin, wow you have spoiled me silly!
can you see that green quilting?
and look at this beautiful lining and a zippered pocket too!
look at the tiny piecing ...
Now, when I saw this in the making on the flickr group, I loved it, but oh, I really didn't want to get my hopes up that it would be coming to me!
But it did!
Thank you so much Aylin, you stalked me well, oooooh you did good!
Happy mail indeed!
(I'm still anxiously waiting for the tote I made to arrive at its new home, soon, very soon I hope)