Thursday 21 July 2011

Bring on Summer!

And exhale! 

I am now on leave and have the next 12 days off! 

The school holidays begin tomorrow, so let summer commence!

So for my summer quilting project (like I need another!) I am joining in with Amanda Jean's of Crazy Mom Quilts 36 block quilt along. 

I'm going to see just how far the remainder of my Wildwood by Eric McMorris stash will go.  Well, it's about time it got used, it's been sitting there for the last 2 years!

This is my first...

Pretty huh? 

Let's see how far I get


Sarah said...

Sure is!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Go Go Trudi!

Canadian Abroad said...

If all the blocks have fabric as pretty as that in them this quilt is going to be gorgeous.

Sheila said...

Enjoy your leave - hope it goes slowly for you.

Michela said...

che bei colori !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Judith, Belfast said...

Another QAL - just what you need! Don't you ever sit still! Enjoy your time off, even if it is hibernating in your shed! Jxo

Sparky said...

12 days...oh my what will you do...

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

Happy Vacation!!!!!!!! happy sewing!!! hugs!

Lynz said...

I LOVE Wildwood. This will be a gorgous one!!