Sunday 1 July 2012

Sew Fresh Sewing day ?

I'm not so sure I qualify on the sewing stakes,
as there doesn't seem to be a lot of it being done at the moment ...

to make up for not posting in May ... due to the FQR and the small point I'd already gone ...

I give you my May ...

I might add there were 7 customer quilts in there as well as 2 of my own  :)

moving swiftly on ....  June ...

my meagre offerings  ... all I can say in my defence is that jam production has started in earnest!

today I picked 5 kg of strawberries from my allotment! 

and on the sewing front, there has been a somewhat func going on ...

so if you manage to find my mojo, .... please return it, I'm kinda lost without it  :) 

I'm linking this up with Lynne's Sew Fresh Sewing Day,  so head on over to see what everyone else has been up to  ...

July ...  you and I need to have a serious talk ... you get me!

Happy Quilting!


Canadian Abroad said...

I think there was a mojo thief at the retreat, and lots of us have been hit with the loss of ours. Oh well, you make jam and I make doughnuts. Put those two things together and we could have quite pig out!

Sarah said...

Ah but you'll have a nice pile of blocks now to make a rather lovely quilt... no real amount of mojo needed there.... And hey, dont you still have a trudibobsquarepants lurking somewhere? ;-)

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

We are all prone to the func, and jam is a great alternative to sewing!

Jo @ life in lists said...

It seems that we all suffered from inspiration overload at retreat, didn't we? Looks like you to plenty done nonetheless, and strawberry jam is a good substitute for most things :)

Nicky said...

Lots of lovelies! Quality girl, quality!

Di said...

I've seen those customers quilts and there was a lot of work there. You also have your quilt to make for the Festival of Quilts. I would say that you have done/got plenty on the go as well as all the jam making. You have done lots. Di x

Katy Cameron said...

You have an allotment, strawberries AND jam? So jealous!!!

Judith, Belfast said...

That's still an impressive roundup. We have a few strawberries appearing at last, and my rhubarb has started growing again (after I did what you said)! Hooray! Jxo

Pippa Parsons said...

yup think Retreat took everyone's mojo for a while, ohhh the thought of home made strawberry jam is making my mouth water :)

QuiltSue said...

Well you may not think you got much done, but to me it looks like a lot. All that and homemade strawberry jam!

Rafael's Mum said...

You kidding? I have nothing to show for last month... (apart from starting the hexie FM) You rock!

Leanne said...

Well, the bits you did are wonderful to me. And now you have me thinking of fresh strawberry jam, yum. I made plum jam and blackberry jam last year but have not tried strawberry. I wonder if there are bunches about here to use?

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

You've still made more than me...and you remembered to link up - two points to you, I think! (And none for me!) I love the middle photo in your June mosaic, I'm off to see if I can find it in a blog post!