
Tuesday 7 January 2014

A Sneaky Last minute Finish

Hopefully this one is just under the wire for the last Qtr of 2013 FAL

with all the excitement going on around here, I am only just getting this posted.

I finally got my Siblings Together Quilt loaded New Years Day! 

added the binding and it sat for a week

so yesterday in an attempt to get it done I sat at the machine and stitched the binding down

not my usual method,  but this will be laundered within the care system so needs to be robust

the sun was out, but the wind was having none of it!

so my first finish of the year, is my last finish for last years FAL!  

I'll get my link up and round up post written so I can scrape in with Leanne,

and after I've dealt with today's delivery, I'll review my list for 2014 FAL, which this year is being hosted by Katy :)


  1. That's such a gorgeous quilt T! Are you getting a new frame? Jxo

  2. It's a beauty Trudi, it's going to make a child very happy.

  3. Isn't that just gorgeous? I love the colours.

  4. Absolute stunner. Well done, T!

  5. I got my new toy on Saturday, it cost a tiny fraction of yours, but I am a happy bunny :) how is yours?

  6. I got my new toy on Saturday, it cost a tiny fraction of yours, but I am a happy bunny :) how is yours?

  7. Nice to get a project wrapped up. It will make some child o happy. Di x

  8. I was planning on maybe making a quilt for SB - thanks for the tip about the binding!

    Beautiful quilt btw x


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