
Monday 5 April 2010

Weekend Roundup

Doesn't seem much to report, I managed to get my  Wonky Shoo Fly Block Lotto blocks made for April.  And how quick and easy they were too!

I also got the 3rd block for the Jelly Roll Sampler Quilt Along made, again another quick and easy task. 

So what was I doing for the rest of the weekend I hear you ask,  well I did get 3 more samples done for my City and Guilds.  

To say my fingers are a little sore, well, lets just say, it's been a while since I last did quite so much hand quilting!

I've been finishing off my Qubee quilts too, but I'll have to save them for another day, sorry.   I did get a package in the mail, I'll post more about that tomorrow :)

Happy Quilting!


  1. I love all of your blocks but that last one is awesome!

  2. Your handstitching is absolutely beautifull well done you!

  3. Love all that stitching! Girlie you've been busy!!

  4. WOW on that stitching! So tell me - why is it now the "in" thing to make such odd blocks (wonky style) with precision but when it happens purely by accident I've got to rip it out for not being right? hmm, Threads, for thought....

  5. I love your handquilting - it's terrific. I especially like that fan design - is it sashiko-style quilting? I've been interested in learning that style. What kind of thread did you use?

    Love the colors for the Jelly Roll quilt - gorgeous!

  6. Thanks everyone!

    CraftHappy ... yes it's a Sashiko sample, I used a DMC Perle #5 through 3 layers of fabric.


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